Free At Last

My civic duty as a juror concluded yesterday, and among other more profound legal lessons, one of the biggest things I learned is jury duty lunch doesn't have to be depressing. I decided to donate a part of the $30 daily juror payment to the "Subway-depresses-me-and-Au Bon Pain's-not-much-better" fund. And I won't even touch the subject of the courthouse cafeteria.

With a whopping 30 bucks burning a hole in my pocket, I spent my lunches away from the courthouse (and the code red air) at Rasika (see below), 701, Andale and Teaism. And I didn't even have to blow more than half my budget.


Anonymous said…
With your $30 a day, you're WAY cheaper than Rachel Ray! YUM-O!
Amanda said…
Move over, Rachael. I'm coming ... and I tip better.
Anonymous said…
Here are some links that I believe will be interested

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