Makoto Reigns In New DC Zagat Survey

• The "impeccable" Makoto was rated tops for its food, followed by the Inn at Little Washington (last year's No. 1) and Komi.
• Michel Richard's Citronelle claimed honors as the District's most popular eatery, while the chef's Central took No. 5 for popularity.
• Ray's the Steak, with an average meal costing $44, snagged the No. 1 steakhouse spot, beating out the longtime favorite Prime Rib, which bills an estimated $66.
• The top-rated DC newcomer is The Source, followed by Westend Bistro by Eric Ripert, Evo Bistro, Proof and Il Fornaio.
• We are plagued by bad service. Survey participants cite "poor service" as the most irritating part of dining out by an overwhelming 75 percent.
• But we tip well anyway, an average 19.2 percent, above the national average of 19 percent.
Check out the full release here.
Turns out they ask survey responders to list their top 5 favorite restaurants and then they award points based off of those responses. Each time a restaurant is listed as a #1 favorite by a surveyor it gets 5 points, 4 points for a #2 listing and so on down to 1 point for each #5 listing.
So it's a popularity contest, but I'm still surprised that Citronelle still pulls in that many #1 responses.
If you're interested, I've got a write-up over at from yesterday and I'm in the process of writing a more interview-focused post for today.
Thanks, guys!
ieatdc - Lucky you. Makoto is such a unique experience. Wear clean socks and let us know how you like it.
So how was it? It's tiny isn't it?
Full review up as of this morning!