To Do: Salsa Contest At H Street Market
Think you make the best salsa? Head to the H Street FreshFarm Market this Saturday, Aug. 2 from 9:30 a.m. to noon, for the annual salsa contest.
To submit a salsa, email by today. The salsa must be homemade, and most ingredients must come from the H Street Market (except things like limes, orange juice, mango). And it can’t be so hot that it makes people cry.
Tortilla chips will be provided, and prizes will be awarded for the top three salsas. The market is held at 624 H St. NE.
To submit a salsa, email by today. The salsa must be homemade, and most ingredients must come from the H Street Market (except things like limes, orange juice, mango). And it can’t be so hot that it makes people cry.
Tortilla chips will be provided, and prizes will be awarded for the top three salsas. The market is held at 624 H St. NE.
The H Street Market is our neighborhood market, so we're definitely going to have to make it a point to stop by and check this out.
If we get any pictures, we'll be sure to put them up on our site.
No good pictures to share, sorry to say.
But turnout at the market was good and the vendors who were there had some BEAUTIFUL fruits and veggies (as well as some of the best pastured pork you will ever taste, from Cedarbrook Farms).